By Request
K'iche' > [44] Lesson 18, part 5
Item Data
Conversions List
This item has been converted to the following items:
Has conversions
Conversion Generation 1
And further converted:
Has conversions
Conversion Generation 2
- 1 archival Master CD #32 Contents: Track 1: Lesson 18, Recorded Drills, part 3 [i.e, Recorded Drills "97A" through "104A"] Track 2: Lesson 18, Recorded Drills, part 4 [i.e., Recorded Drills "104B" and "105"] [JJT's note under the contents reads: "These recorded drills depart significantly from the text: material appears [i.e., is heard] that is not in the text, the numbering of the texts is completely at variance, and the order of the drills is also at variance.]
- 1 archival Master CD #33 Contents: Track 1: Lesson 18, Listening In 1-3 Track 2: Lesson 18, Listening In 4 & 5 Track 3: Lesson 18, Listening In 6 [Note: The "field-recorded text" has been inserted in this lesson. A further note reads: "Listening In 6-10 were recorded in the field and are not yet available."]
- 1 archival Lessons 18.3-18.5 [Back-up 2]
Conversion Generation 3
- 2 sound quc-spo-stud-43 Contents=Lesson 18, Reel 4 (i.e., Recorded Drills "101" through "104A")
- 2 sound quc-spo-stud-44 Contents=Lesson 18, Reel 5 (i.e., Recorded Drills "104A" and "105" and Listening In 1-5)
- 2 sound quc-spo-stud-45 Contents=Lesson 18, Reel 6 (i.e., Listening In 6 and Situation Narrative (with Guided Conversation))
- 2 archival Master CD #32 Contents: Track 1: Lesson 18, Recorded Drills, part 3 [i.e, Recorded Drills "97A" through "104A"] Track 2: Lesson 18, Recorded Drills, part 4 [i.e., Recorded Drills "104B" and "105"] [JJT's note under the contents reads: "These recorded drills depart significantly from the text: material appears [i.e., is heard] that is not in the text, the numbering of the texts is completely at variance, and the order of the drills is also at variance.]
Conversion Generation 4
This item has been converted from:
This item is an original recording.