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Jacaltec texts [with film] (Christopher Day, 1964-65)
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- archival [01] Jacaltec texts I Contents (from the back of the box): Track 1: [Nos. 1, 2]: ha? saxp'ana? (2 times - Nov. 9 [1964]) [No. 3]: nax c'axan sk'ul - read [Nos. 4, 5]: ha? saxp'ana? II - read, 2 times, Dec. 31 [No. 6]: Elicitation of questions / statements / tones [No. 7]: nax c'axan sk'ul (dictate[d]) - Jan. 27 [No. 8] - yet š?ay taŋ Track 2: [No. 9]: Marriage Customs Native speaker (Antonio Feliciano Mendez?) demonstrates grammatical features of Jacaltec and recites narratives.
- archival [02] Jacaltec texts II Contents (from the back of the box): Track 1: [1] Linguistic questionaire [sic] - Jacaltenango Felipe Montejo Baltazar Silvestre [2] hex koŋop' p'ox hex wayaŋp'al, ?ay hex skawilal ko koŋop' (cont.) (towns & aldeas near Jacaltenango) [Note: This passage concludes the "towns & aldeas" narrative on this tape; see Tape IV for the rest.] Track 2: [1] Origin of S. Andrés [2] All Saint's Day Customs Death customs [3] Towns & aldeas near Jacaltenango
- archival [03] Jacaltec texts III ("Jacaltec with movie") Contents: Méndez engages Camposeco in conversation (entirely in Jacaltec). (According to a note on the back of the box, this tape was recorded simultaneously with a filming of the interview on 8mm Kodak stock on a three-inch reel (barcode: V7000499H).)
- archival [04] Jacaltec texts IV Contents (from the back of the box): Track 1: [1] p'ay ?elnax kox hap' xetp'i ?ah sanandres towns and aldeas - end Track 2: BLANK At bottom of label: First on tape: (erased part of a Linguistic Questionaire - Jacaltenango -Felipe Montejo
- archival [05] Jacaltec texts V Contents: Track 1: Spontaneous conversation involving numerous people Track 2: Continuation of the same
- archival [06] Jacaltec texts VI Contents (from the back of the box): Track 1: Belief questionaire [sic] - AFM Track 2: The same, concluded Speaking only in Spanish, Day puts questions about local customs (etc.) to Méndez, a native of Jacaltenango, who replies in Spanish. The recording took place over two days.
- archival [07] Jacaltec texts VII Contents [from back of box]: Track 1: AFM reading exs from provisional draft of grammar. Track 2: " ...continued Méndez reads from various sections of the draft of his grammar: two readings of the Jacaltec are followed by the Spanish gloss, followed by a repeat of the Jacaltec. On Track 1 Day is heard now and then explaining (in English) what has just been heard. (This list is concluded at the end of Track 2 of Tape XI.)
- archival [08] Jacaltec texts VIII Contents [from the back of box]: Linguistic Questionaires [sic] - Jacaltenango - 1 Track 1: [1] José Hurtado (G2, G260) [2] José Díaz (G303, G431) [3] Marcos Hurtado (G445) Track 2: [1] Marcos Hurtado (G.0, G.48) [2] Marcelino Raymundo (G.60, G.188) [3] José Lázaro Cota (G215, G.336) [4] Miguel Ángel Herrera (G.360, G428) [5] Felipe Montejo (pedida) (G434) [Note: This is probably the proper spelling of the name.] Day reads a standard list of vocabulary items in Spanish, and each consultant gives the equivalent in Jacalteco. [Note: the meaning of the numerals after each name (added in pencil) is not known.]
- archival [09] Jacaltec texts IX Contents (from the back of the box): Linguistic Questionaires [sic] - Jacaltenango - 2 Track 1: [1] Agustina López (G5, G165) [2] Baltazar Silvestre (pedida) (G183) [3] Mercedes Camposeco (G203, G321) [4] Gregorio Montejo (word list) (G326) [5] Juan López (G412, G10) Track 2: [1] Juan López (G412, G10) [2] Baltazar Díaz (G42, G178) [3] Miguel Díaz (G203, G302) [4] Gregorio Montejo (pedida) (G314) [5] Santos Cota (G319, 441) Day continues to read from the standard list of Spanish tokens, and a variety of consultants supply the Jacaltec equivalents. Gregorio Montejo appears to have been interviewed twice. (Note: The meaning of the numerals after each name (added in pencil) is not known.)
- archival [10] Jacaltec texts X Contents (from the back of the box): Linguistic Questionaire [sic] - Jacaltenango - 3 Track 1: [1] Jesus Ros (G5, G190) [2] Ramón Domingo (G199, G283) [3] Juan Delgado (G292, G411) [4] María Santos Silvestre (G418, 3, G81) Track 2: [1] María Santos Silvestre (G418, 3, G81) [2] Paula Díaz (G100, G210) [3] María Rojelia Méndez (G215, G334) [4] Antonio López (G345, G408) Day (and A.F. Méndez) continue to read from the standard list of Spanish tokens, and a variety of consultants supply the Jacaltec equivalents. (Note: The meaning of the numerals after each name (added in pencil) is not known.)
- archival [11] Jacatec texts XI Contents (from the back of the box): Linguistic Questionaire [sic] - Jacaltenango - 4 Track 1: [1] Fr. Bill Mullan ["Guillermo Mullan" on tape] [2] Carmelina Camposeco (word list) [3] Dolores Silvestre [4] Carmelina Camposeco (pedida) [5] Juana Camposeco Track 2: [1] Juana Camposeco [continued] [2] Antonio Méndez AFM reading exs from provisional drafts (cont'd) " " phonemic exs. Day continues to read from the standard list of Spanish tokens, and a variety of consultants supply the Jacaltec equivalents. The first consultant and Day converse in both English and Spanish.
- archival [12] Jacaltec texts XII Contents (from the back of the box): Track 1: Marcos S[an] Marcos Track 2: " Juan López Jacaltenango Antonio López " Day reads tokens from a longer list of vocabulary items (i.e., longer than the list on Tapes VIII through XI) to three male consultants, who supply the Jacaltec equivalents. Another man (A.F. Méndez?) participates.
- archival [13] Jacaltec texts XIII Contents (from the back of the box): Track 1: Sta Ana Huista (cont) [i.e., from Track 2 of Tape XV] Maria Santos Silvestre Track 2: BLANK Day reads the Spanish tokens from the standard vocabulary list, and a male informant (initially, for about a minute) and Silvestre supply the Jacaltec equivalents.
- archival [14] Jacaltec texts XIV Contents (from the back of the box): Track 1: San Andres H[uista] Track 2: " " (cont.) Prudencio Camposeco - Declamaciones Música Jacalteca Lorca poetry [written in light pencil] On Track 1 a Spanish-speaking man (Antonio Feliciano Méndez?) reads Spanish vocabulary tokens to Domingo from San Andres, who supplies the Jacaltec equivalents. The Domingo interview concludes at the beginning of Track 2; then the same interviewer follows the same procedure with Camposeco; musical excerpts follow (apparently recorded from radio), interrupted at: 1) 7 mins., 10 secs., through 7 mins., 27 secs., by a man talking (in Spanish) about the local population and 2) at mark 18 mins., 27 secs., through 32 mins., 8 secs., by the same man reciting several Lorca poems (in Spanish).
- archival [15] Jacaltec texts XV Contents (from the back of the box): Track 1: Guadalupe Victoria (Mexico) [Interview with Felipe Felipe] Track 2: Sta Ana Huista [Interview with Pedro Montejo begins.] Using the same questionnaire, Day reads the Spanish tokens to Felipe Felipe from Guadalupe Victoria (in Mexico) and Montejo from Huista,Huehuetenango, who provide the Jacaltec equivalents.
- archival Jacaltec interview on film Contents: Méndez is filmed engaging a young woman in conversation (see tape "Jacaltec texts III": Barcode A70065960), but it is not clear at this time (1/15/15) to which part of the audio tape this film corresponds (i.e., its running time of approximately 3 mins. is too short to cover the length of the 23-minute interview). At intervals the camera pans to a man hitting a clap-board. (The sound permits the synching of film and audio.)
- sound jac-txts-day-1a-ed Contents=Track 1 of the tape, edited
- text Jacaltec bibliography (with emphasis on Day's works) Contents: The text consists of three parts: A bibliography of paper texts on Jacaltec written by scholars other than Day; an inventory of Christopher Day's field recordings (pp. 2-7); and a second bibliography on Jacaltec, including Day's publications (see p. 8).
- text Note to Don Ledin from Norman A. McQuown (3/10/77) Contents: McQuown requests that his technical assistant, Donald H. Ledin, prepare "a frame-numbered version" of the 8mm film and "get the sound-track (on the tape) synched onto the film". There is no evidence that this task was ever done, nor has JJT found any trace of a second film (mentioned by McQuown).
- text Notes on Tape 5: Day's evaluation of the interviews
- image jac-txts-day-box-txt Image is of the backs of all 15 boxes.