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The Man-in-Nature Project Tzeltal: Chanal recordings (1959 series)
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- archival [12] Chanal XII Contents (The number that follows the name of the consultant is his assigned code number.): Center track: Anselmo López Gómez-Chicó enero 19 (404) [Note: The notation "haʼmal" on the first line refers to the "subdivisión" of the "comunidad" of Chanal; i.e., Ja’maltic.]
- archival [13] Chanal XIII Contents (The number that follows the consultant's name is his assigned code number.): Center track: Bartolo Jiménez Diaz-Wajch enero 20 (405) [Note: The notation "haʼmal" on the first line refers to the "subdivisión" of the "comunidad" of Chanal; i.e., Ja’maltic.]
- archival [14] Chanal XIV Contents (The number that follows the consultant's name is his assigned code number.): Center track: Bartolo Jiménez Diaz Febrero 27 de 1959 (405) Vocabulario y Rezos [?]
- archival [15] Chanal XV Contents (The number that follows the consultant's name is his assigned code number.): Center track: Gilberto Sánchez Gómez Mošam [undated] (406) haɂmal [Note: The spelling of the fourth name is uncertain. The word "haɂmal" at the top of the back of the box stands for the "subdivisión" of the "comunidad" of Chanal; i.e., Jaɂmaltic.]
- archival [16] Chanal XVI Contents (The number that follows the consultant's name is his assigned code number.): Center track: Nicolas Santis Gómez Mushan [undated] (407) haɂmal [Note: The notation "haɂmal" refers to the "subdivisión" of the "comunidad" of Chanal; i.e., Jaɂmaltic.]
- archival [17] Chanal XVII Contents (The number that follows the consultant's name is his assigned code number.): Center track: Nicolas Santis [undated] (407) haɂmal [Does not seem to be on tape.] Isidoro Hernandez Gomez [undated] (408) haɂmal [Note: This speaker opens the recording, so there does not appear to be any other consultant on the tape.] [Note: The notation "haɂmal" refers to the "subdivisión" of the "comunidad" of Chanal; i.e., Jaɂmaltic.]
- archival [18] Chanal XVIII Contents (The number that follows the consultant's name is his assigned code number.): Center track: Juan Antonio Mendez [undated] (414) ɂalantik [Note: The notation "ɂalantik" refers to the "subdivisión" of the "comunidad" of Chanal; i.e., ɁAlantic.]
- archival [19] Chanal XIX Contents (The number that follows the consultant's name is his assigned code number.): Center track: Manuel Díaz Gómez enero 17 (409) [Data taken from the back of the five-inch-reel box.] [Note: The notation "haɂmaltik" (on the original box) refers to the "subdivisión" of the "comunidad" of Chanal; i.e., Jaɂmaltic.]
- archival [20] Chanal XX Contents: "tape is blank except for the name of the informant Helmundio Lopez" [note on back of box]
- archival [21] Chanal XXI Contents (The number that follows the consultant's name is his assigned code number.): Track 1: Hermelindo Moreno Pérez (397) marzo 4 Track 2: Hermelindo Moreno Pérez (397) marzo 4 [Note: The notation "haɂmal" above the consultant's name refers to the "subdivisión" of the "comunidad" of Chanal; i.e., Jaɂmaltic.]
- archival [22] Chanal XXII Contents (The number that follows the consultant's name is his assigned code number.): Center track: Fabiano González López (411) ɂalantik [Note: The notation "ɂalantik" after Gonzalez' name refers to the "subdivisión" of the "comunidad" of Chanal; i.e., ɁAlantic.]
- archival [23] Chanal XXIII Contents (The number that follows the consultant's name is his assigned code number.): Center track: Apolinar Hernández Pérez ɂalantik enero 21 (412) [Note: The notation "ɂalantik" refers to the "subdivisión" of the "comunidad" of Chanal; i.e., ɁAlantic.]
- archival [24] Chanal XXIV Contents (The number that follows the name of each consultant is his assigned code number.): Center track: I - Apolinar Hernández Pérez [undated] (412) [Note: This person does not appear to be on the tape.] II - Jacinto Lopez Gomez - Shampil (413) [Note: "Shampil", more properly spelled Xampil, is the native paternal name. Further note: This person opens the recording, so is probably the only consultant on the tape.]
- archival [25] Chanal XXV Contents (The number that follows the consultant's name is his assigned code number.): Center track: Santiago Gómez Rodríguez enero 22 (391) [Note: The notation "ɂalantik" written above Gomez' name refers to the "subdivisión" of the "comunidad" of Chanal; i.e., ɁAlantic.]
- archival [26] Chanal XXVI Contents (The number that follows the consultant's name is his assigned code number.): Center track: Juan Antonio Mendez [undated] (414) [Note: The notation "ɂalantik" written above Mendez' name refers to the "subdivisión" of the "comunidad" of Chanal; i.e., ɁAlantic.]
- archival [27] Chanal XXVII Contents (The number that follows the consultant's name is his assigned code number.): Center track: Leonardo Gomez Lopez - Wakaš [undated] (415) [Note: The name "Wakaš", more properly spelled "Huakax", is the consultant's native paternal name.] [Note: The "Roster" gives this man's "subdivisión" as ɁAlantic.]
- archival [28] Chanal XXVIII Contents (The number that follows the consultant's name is his assigned code number.): Center track: Reinaldo López Gómez - t’ib 5 de febrero de 1959 (416) [Note: The name "t’ib" (T’ib) is the native paternal name.] [Note: The notation "ɂalantik" written above Gomez' name refers to the "subdivisión" of the "comunidad" of Chanal; i.e., ɁAlantic.]