By Request
K'iche' > [01] Lesson 18 [Reel "1"]
Item Data
Conversions List
This item has been converted to the following items:
Has conversions
Conversion Generation 1
- sound quc-spo-fld2-1a Contents=Track 1 of the tape
- sound quc-spo-fld2-1b Contents=Track 2 of the tape
- archival [45] Lesson 18, part 6 Contents: Band 1: Listening In 6-8 (pp. 1501-1526) (recorded by McQuown with Cochojil González in Guatemala) (Dubbed from field-recorded materials; JJT 5/11/76) Band 2: Situation Narrative (pp. 1546-1552) (recorded by Wick and Cochojil-González in the LLA studio) (Note: Part B of Sit. Narr. is read twice: first, in part, then, entire JJT 6/1/77). [A separate note on tape box indicates that “Situation Narrative” (9-10, pp. 1526-1546) might be located on QUI 1.46 (M), which doesn’t seem to exist as such, but there is a reference to it on the box of reel A7005004Q.]
And further converted:
Has conversions
Conversion Generation 2
Conversion Generation 3
Conversion Generation 4
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This item is an original recording.